24th May, 2018, on a bright sunny Thursday afternoon; as we were just about done celebrating Andrew’s (my brother) birthday – a disheartening call came in from my father. That call that every person dreads; that call that changes the course of your life; that call that sends you down on lane of memories both good and sad 😔😔. It was a call to let us know that “Kaka” had passed after hours of immense pain caused by systems shut down. Kaka had gone to eternal rest. For a moment right there – my world turned grey; I was so so so sad that my adorable, cheeky, brilliant and sometimes feisty grandmother was no more. I quickly opened the door of thoughts and remembrance. Memories creeped in – memories of her being my accomplice on numerous encounters against my parents’ knowledge, how she always sent me snacks while I was away in boarding school; memories of her caring and giving heart (even when she didn’t have much), memories of her cheeky demeanor but admirable courage – the courage of a strong woman! I then snapped out of it all and replaced that tears that were rolling down my cheeks with a huge smile. Kaaka had lived a good life – she left me, she left all of us that were blessed to know her with so many memories to last us life times.
Kaka died at a good fulfilled age of 107. What more could we have needed her around for. She had done it all and left it all for us to carry on.
Her burial was a loud bang! Thousands of people from all corners of the world came to send her off. It was a grand colorful celebration. We made merry in Kaka’s honor. God had surely used her life to impact us.
I inherited beautiful little pieces of memories from Kaka BUT important of them all was her walking stick. In her 80’s Kaka got a leg injury and required support as she walked; also age suddenly didn’t agree with her back and so my Uncle got her a walking stick. This stick is carved out of strong wood and is quite impossible to break.

Kaka always had something to say for everything! I miss her 😌.
I got the walking stick and as all the good things would have it – I am making absolute good use of it. It’s my hiking stick and has gone with me on adventures and to places beautiful as the sun.

❣️ Thank you Kaka for your beautiful life. I am because you were.
❣️ Thank you Kaka for being sweet, tough, fearless, LOVING, brilliant and having the sharpest memory in town (Kaka would meet someone once and would never ever forget you!)
❣️ Thank you Kaka for my walking stick, for with it, I have and will continue to walk many miles all the while taking you along with me to cheer me on.
In Memory of my Nana – Fortunate “Kaka” Rwamparagi

The places me and my stick have been too:

Photo by Liz Kamugisha

Photo by Paul Lumala





Photo by Naya

Thank you Kaka
Love AK
This is so awesome, thank you for sharing Kaka with us.
Humbled Walter!!!
Great tribute to yo’ Kaka
Thank you Rebecca – she was a great WOMAN!!!