We ushered you in – excited and expectant!
We read out loud how we “it was going to be our year”
Some even made the usual resolutions – hoping and praying to achieve big!
I personally ushered you in – atop the tallest free standing mountain on the African continent – Mt. Kilimanjaro
We went on about our business as the days turned to weeks and then weeks to months
I don’t remember when exactly but somewhere in there, along the journey; you made a sudden sharp turn and changed the entire course we were on
Many of us were not ready, we were in shock, we panicked, there was anxiety and then FEAR so thick, you could cut it with a knife!
We were all ordered (not even asked) to remain in the confines of our houses – within the four walls.
Whatever and whomever we were with the day “the total lockdown announcement” was made, that is who and what we were required to stay with the entire 3-4 months
It was joy, strife, happiness, sadness, mending, breaking, learning, unlearning, strategizing, confusion, achievements, loses and the whole she-bang!
Then we somehow were released from it all but with extra caution. However, it was a life no longer the same
Human interaction was brought down to a mere head nod, elbow and fist bump or even no human interaction at all.
There were deaths thanks to the pandemic – world over
The big “Ugandan style” type of events were lessened to “Scientific style” type of events. It has since caught on
Our lives changed and have since never been the same
Now, you are leaving us with all these memories and lessons to usher in 2021.
We do not know what to expect but one thing is for sure – it was on huge experience that turned us 360 degrees around.
Goodbye 2020 – what an experience you have been!!!!!
May GOD continue to be our ever present source of wisdom because wisdom and strength is what we needed in 2020